Lunney Speaks on Marriage Bill

OTTAWA—Speaking in the House of Commons, Dr. James Lunney, MP stated he is confident that the majority of citizens of Nanaimo-Alberni support the traditional definition of marriage, based on the thousands of communications, petitions and demonstrations outside his Nanaimo office.

In the House, Lunney raised concerns about the unavoidable conflict wherein clearly defined Charter rights of freedom of religion and conscience are clashing with same-sex legislation.

Citing examples such as outspoken Bishop Fred Henry of Calgary, who was recently told by Revenue Canada that the charitable status of his Catholic church could be withdrawn, Lunney said the Liberals could not be trusted to protect freedom of religion. He pointed to the situation in British Columbia and Saskatchewan, where marriage officers have been told that they must surrender their licences if they refuse to perform same-sex marriages. He also highlighted the case of Dr. Chris Kempling, a Quesnel, BC school psychologist who was recently suspended for three months for writing a letter to the editor of his local paper criticizing the Liberals’ legislation.

“What about their fundamental freedoms?” asked Lunney. “People of faith have no confidence that this government or the politicized courts will act to protect their rights. We understand that the law without enforcement is of no effect.”

The Conservative Party, Lunney stated, is the only party in the House of Commons, and Stephen Harper the only political leader, that has committed to allowing members a free vote on matters of conscience.

“This government failed the people when it failed to appeal lower court rulings. The court has failed the people by refusing to protect Charter rights of Christians and others of faith to follow their convictions and conscience when they contradict the new orthodoxy,” said Lunney.

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